Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ca. Primary voter guide arrives.

Oy Vey!! I could have waited a few more days before having this show up in my mailbox. I really don't want to start thinking politics the frigging day after Xmas. Maybe I'll just slide it under the mail pile for a few days before I start reading it.

Besides all the presidential stuff there are several big money constitutional changing measures for California. My prediction is that no matter what the outcome of the vote these measures will move immediately to the court system.

I'll be voting from the comfort of my couch again this year. Ahh... I can see it now. A little fresh popped popcorn, a Warriors game on the tube, and big pile of election literature as I try to figure out what these constitutional amendments really mean. But seriously, registering for an absentee ballot was the smartest thing I've ever done as a voter. It really takes a lot of the stress out of voting. I highly recommend it to everyone. And here is the real beauty of it. Even if you don't get your ballot into the mail on time you can still vote from the comfort of your own home and drop your absentee ballot off at your polling place. No waiting in line, no filling out the ballot in somebody's cold garage.

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