Monday, December 31, 2007


In the six or so years I've lived in this spot I have always been amazed by the wealth of wildlife in this little corner of Alameda.

This morning while walking el doggo I saw a single Monarch fluttering by. And last night while again walking el doggo I could hear the slow sonorous tones of a frog calling from the vernal pond at Linear Park. He seemed to be broadcasting that all was right in his corner of the world and that was worth comment on his part.

We are regularly overflown by Canadian Geese coming and going in all directions. Sometimes so close you can hear their wing beats. Humming birds every time you turn around. Powerful little life forces and seemingly unafraid of anything. We got mocking birds chasing the cats and while super high on testosterone singing their fool heads off at three am. There are Great Blue Herons who come hunt in the fields next door. They stalk mice and gophers the same way they hunt fish. There are house finches fussing in the back yard. Crows, Red Tail Hawks, Redwing Blackbirds, Blue Jays, Turkey Vultures, and many l.b.b.s (little brown birds) that I can't identify. There are raccoons, possums, rabbits, and the occasional skunk. There are all sorts of butterflys in the summer. It is really cool to watch them come feed on flowers that I planted. There are shorebirds (can't recall the name at the moment) that circle at night and make a plaintive cry in the dark. Lots of life affirmation all around all the time if one is simply aware.

And finally to close the year a little life affirmation from our friend Louis Armstrong. This is a concert clip from BBC-TV dated July 2nd 1968. My best wishes to all for the New Year.

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