Friday, January 25, 2008


EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) is doing a very cool political action. They are asking folks to take a picture of themselves with a sign that shows where they are from (City and State) and makes a short statement against retroactive telecom immunity in the FISA bill that is being debated in the Senate today and monday. The banner below will take you to EFF's page for this action.

Stop the Spying!

Flickr has a very cool photo pool of folks who've already done this if you need some inspiration. This is not a time to sit on your ass in America folks. If you want your country back you have to speak up for it.

Being politically active in America is easier now than at any time in the past. For instance, I sent emails to 14 Senators yesterday urging them to vote against Telecom immunity in the FISA bill that is being dealt with by the senate today and Monday. Every Senator has a webpage with a contact form. You can look up Senators at the Senate.Gov website. There is a searchbox in the upper right corner of the page. You just enter your senator's name, click on the top entry in the results and you will be at their official webpage. Then you look for the contact button, it usually will be at the top of the page, left side, or all the way at the bottom. You click the contact button and you are on their webmail contact form. Generally they want you to fill in your name, address, and email. Then pick a generic subject area from a drop down menu, paste in your text and hit send. If you are doing multiple contacts I suggest you whip out a general statement on the subject you are concerned about. You can copy and paste the text to save time. Be polite, be concise, be persuasive. Congratulations, you have just become politically active. Didn't hurt a bit, did it?

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