Sunday, January 20, 2008

Don Perata Carjacking followup.

In today's S.F. Chronicle, Matier and Ross lead with a follow up on Don Perata's carjacking. In the story Don indicates that he now has a silver 2007 Crown Victoria. I guess that would be for the undercover cop effect. Mr. Perata has probably been feeling a little heat for his former ride which was a candy apple red Dodge Charger with 22 inch rims. He indicated to Matier and Ross that he leased the Charger off the lot at Connell Dodge and that he payed for half the lease and the state picked up the other half. So we owe Mr. Perata a really tiny apology since he wasn't holding California's taxpayers for the whole bill. Still, not exactly astute thinking on Mr. Perata's part to pick the bling mobile in the first place. It's interesting how politicians who have been in the system for awhile get really blind to public perceptions of their perquisites. Also how offended they get when they are called on their inappropriate behavior. And of course, a little not so gentle probing from Phil Matier would probably get anybody feeling a bit defensive.

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